
At Classical Christian Academy, our goal is to provide an excellent classical Christian education founded upon a biblical worldview. We appreciate your interest in our school and invite you to explore this website as you evaluate your child's educational options. We pray that you find our vision compelling and consider partnering with us in educating your children for God's glory. We would be honored to guide you through the Admissions process to help determine if Classical Christian Academy is the right fit for your family. We look forward to helping you discover the many benefits of a classical Christian education!

We ask that prospective families read and reflect on CCA’s Statement of Faith before applying. Enrollment is intended for families whose parents align with these core biblical principles. We are open to discussing nuances and fielding questions during the application and interview process. However, a clear disagreement with these foundational doctrines indicates that CCA will likely not be the right fit for your family.

Our considerations for new family acceptance:

  • An active family faith that aligns with our Statement of Faith.

  • An understanding of classical Christian education.

  • Parent partnership and family support.

  • A student’s assessments

  • For older students, their contribution to our school community.

None of these are “litmus tests.” Rather, we consider all factors when admitting a new student. Attending Classical Christian Academy is a privilege. Students and families are enrolled at the direction of the Administration and Board. We reserve the right to refuse admission or continued enrollment to anyone.

7 Questions for Prospective CCA Families

Please read through these questions prior to inquiring.

  • At Classical Christian Academy (CCA), our primary aim is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ. If Christ is Lord, then we ought to glorify Him in all parts of life. As a discipleship school, CCA partners with parents in raising children to grow in the knowledge and instruction of the Lord. It is essential to the integrity of our community that parents are Christ followers who uphold biblical truth and seek to glorify God in all areas of their lives.

    Families at our school are committed to glorifying the Lord in all they do. This includes nurturing a Christ-centered family structure, cultivating a deep devotion to God’s Word, faithfully teaching their children biblical truth, engaging in joyful and meaningful family worship, and actively participating in a local church community where they serve with purpose rather than passively consume. Their lives reflect a commitment to honoring God in all they do, both within the home and beyond.

  • Every academic subject uniquely reflects the glory of God, inviting us to marvel at His wisdom and creativity. Mathematics, for example, is a celebration of God’s orderly patterns and the beauty of logic embedded throughout His universe. Science reveals creation’s (and our Creator’s) intricate and awe-inspiring designs. Literature offers an opportunity to engage in the Great Conversation, appreciate the beauty of words, consider characters and narratives through the lens of Scripture, be instructed in virtue, and recognize vice. By intertwining wonder, delight, and joy into every discipline, we cultivate not only knowledge, but also a deep sense of reverence and worship for the Creator, who is the source of all truth, beauty, and goodness.

    Christ is the foundation and focal point of our school, permeating every subject and classroom. We are committed to continually pointing students to the majesty and glory of God in all they study and learn. Wonder, delight, and joy arise naturally as students behold God’s handiwork in mathematics, science, history, and the arts. As we partner with parents, we invite them to marvel alongside their children at the greatness of our God, who is displayed magnificently in every academic discipline.

  • Classical education is the pursuit of the good, true and beautiful. It is a time-tested approach that aims to cultivate the moral imagination of students in the development of wisdom, virtue, and eloquence. The foundation of this approach lies in the trivium–Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric–which represents both the natural learning phases in a child’s intellectual and spiritual development and the foundational components of understanding every subject, no matter the stage of life.

    ● Grammar is the mastery of the basic elements: vocabulary, facts, and rules. This stage applies to all learning—whether a child memorizing multiplication tables or an adult acquiring the terminology of a new skill.

    ○ Grammar Stage (PreK–6th Grade): In this foundational stage, PreK-6th grade students joyfully absorb and memorize core knowledge through imitation and assimilation.

    ○ Students engage in the foundational elements from all subjects—history, science, math, language arts, and more–through stories, chants, songs, recitation, and memory work. This stage fosters wonder and delight as students accumulate a treasure house of narratives, knowledge, and language. As they encounter the building blocks of learning, a strong foundation is laid.

    ● Logic involves the skillful analysis, questioning, and organization of knowledge, helping learners discern truth, resolve contradictions, and build understanding.

    ○ Logic Stage (7th–9th Grade): As students mature, and begin to seek understanding, they are trained to sort, weigh, and think deeply about the accumulated material gained during the Grammar Stage. As they explore connections between ideas they learn to analyze, compare, and evaluate. The Logic stage is a time of discovery where students are helped to ask thoughtful questions and engage in productive dialogue. They are trained to use the skill of Logic well in order to arrive at truth, equipping students to reason biblically, and distinguish truth from falsehood.

    ● Rhetoric enables the eloquent application and communication of knowledge and wisdom, offering persuasive, beautiful, and impactful expression in any domain.

    ○ Rhetoric Stage (10th–12th Grade): In this capstone stage, students refine their ability to express ideas with clarity, elegance, and persuasion. They recognize the power of words and the responsibility to communicate with discernment and wisdom. The training for Rhetoric began in the Grammar Stage where delight in beautiful language was cultivated and the mind and heart were tuned to well wrought phrases. Students are now able to draw on the knowledge and understanding they have gained in earlier years to articulate wisdom in a way that glorifies God and serves others. This stage emphasizes mastery of communication, enabling students to defend, support, and proclaim truth effectively and winsomely.

    Skipping or neglecting any of these components can lead to lifelong struggles, as mastery of each is essential to success in a given discipline. For instance, insufficient foundational knowledge (grammar) hinders logical reasoning, while weak logic skills compromise the ability to articulate effectively (rhetoric). This holds true across subjects, be it Math, Language Arts, Physics, or Fine Art.

    Our ultimate goal is to graduate students of godly character, with intellectual fortitude, and the ability to think and communicate eloquently. These attributes empower them to lead lives that glorify God and point others to the beauty and truth of the gospel.

  • In many schools today, reading is less valued and prioritized; even in Christian homes, the practice of reading has been in steady decline. At Classical Christian Academy, reading is foundational, because God chose to reveal himself through the written Word. Indeed, one of God’s names is The Word (John 1:1). Faithful reading and study of Scripture are not optional but essential to the Christian life, helping us grow in truth, wisdom, and Christlikeness.

    We also treasure the rich inheritance of timeless, great literature—a treasury of stories and works, written over many centuries that help us explore the world, discern truth, embody virtue, and ultimately glorify God.

    Families with regular rhythms of reading and who love learning find a natural home at our school. They desire their children to use this love of knowledge to explore the world, discern truth, and glorify God. Through reading, we open the door to wonder, cultivate curiosity, and prepare students to think deeply, live virtuously, and serve faithfully. Teaching children the love and joy of reading is integral to the heart of our school.

  • We desire to partner with parents to lay a firm foundation in Christ and Biblical truth. Choosing to enroll your children in a classical Christian school involves a great investment of time, energy, and finances. While we guide your children during the school day, God has given parents the primary role and mandate of shepherding their children’s hearts and minds. We serve in place of you during the school day; we do not replace you.

    Successful parent partnership, therefore involves three key facets:

    1. Shared and agreed-upon goals,

    2. Healthy Biblical communication, and

    3. Parental engagement (e.g. volunteering, assisting in classrooms, and fostering a love for learning at home).

    These commitments provide opportunities to invest in your child’s growth, both spiritually and academically, shaping them for lives of wisdom and moral excellence.

  • We aim to shepherd children’s hearts, not merely modify their behavior. Our standards are both loving and structured because we believe all children are created in the image of God. We honor their unique personalities while also acknowledging that, like all of us, they are sinners in need of grace. This means that discipline at our school is restorative and heart-focused, aiming to guide children toward wisdom and virtue. Habits of self control are cultivated to enable children to enjoy the freedom of a well ordered life, an environment that fosters learning, and the development of gracious interaction with others. For this to flourish, we do expect parents to support our teachers and administration as we lovingly correct, encourage, disciple, and discipline your children. If you value a partnership with a school that upholds high standards, you will do well at CCA.

    Our goal is to instill a love for God’s higher standard in students—a life marked by honor for Him, honoring (and submission to) those in authority, honoring others, stewardship of time and property, and living in a manner worthy of our calling. Our partnership with you in this is essential to forming children who joyfully honor God in all they do.

  • We fully recognize that many parents are fleeing government-controlled (public school) education. While we applaud this exodus, we have also found that many parents know what they’re running from without knowing or understanding what they’re running toward.

    We want you to consider a deeper question: What are you running toward? Classical Christian education is not simply a rejection of one system, but the intentional commitment to a much higher calling.

    Our school operates on a discipleship/covenant model, which means that we partner with parents who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; we are not an evangelism model school. In this partnership, we recognize parents' God-given role and support it by standing in loco parentis—"in the place of parents"—during the school day, where we help guide students in truth and virtue. However, we do not replace you in your role as father and mother. Rather, we rely on your active partnership, participation, and commitment to your child’s spiritual growth and academic success.

    Families at our school must fully invest in this shared vision. This means aligning with our beliefs and values, participating in your child’s education, and fostering a home life that reinforces what is taught here. Together, we cultivate hearts and minds for Christ, shaping students to love the true, the good, and the beautiful for the glory of God. The health and vitality of our school depend on each family being fully committed to this mission.

Admissions Process:

Step 1 - Formal Inquiry:

After reviewing the Admissions page, consider the 7 Questions to ensure alignment with our values. Use the Inquiry Form button to take the next step with Classical Christian Academy.

Step 2 - Information Meeting:

Attend one of our Information Meetings (RSVP included in Inquiry Form) to meet our administration team, tour the school campus, and learn more about our mission, vision, and programs from our Head of School.

Step 3 - Formal Application & Assessment:

After your Information Meeting attendance, you will receive a link to apply online. Applications, including a completed pastor reference, are reviewed by our Head of School for approval to the next step. Student assessments are then scheduled with your child and prospective teacher for their incoming grade to determine their educational level.

Step 4 - Family Interview:

Once student assessments have been completed and reviewed, family interviews are scheduled with the Head of School to meet with both parents and children. Upon acceptance, families will receive a welcome of admissions letter and online forms to complete the enrollment process.